Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Ormie the Pig

We have been talking about one of our school vision qualities - resilience.  Our buddies helped us to understand that resilience means you don't give up if something is hard, you have to keep trying.

We watched this funny video about Ormie, who is a very resilient pig.  And funny too!!!


Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Celebrating great workers and wonderful friends!

All of the children in room 6 work hard and are great friends!  These kids have been specially recognised for their achievements...

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

We hosted junior assembly today!

It was the first time we had been the host for assembly.
We had to stand up in front of all of Wharemauku and introduce the assembly items. We had a buddy to do it with and we had to speak into the microphone.
We chose the songs - we sang "singing in the rain" , "21" and the National Anthem.
We showed the children our popcorn work and some of us read our stories.

It was very good and fun but we were a bit shy because it was our first time ever.
Mrs Keating said that we were AWESOME!

Next time, when we host assembly, we won't be shy because now we know how to do it!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012