Thursday, August 23, 2012

The Olympics comes to RBS!!

We had a whole school Olympics games this week.  We were supposed to have it outside, but it's been raining so much that the ground was really muddy and it kept raining during the day.

We were in groups around the school with kids from other classes.  Each group had a country that they represented.  We came to school dressed in our country's colours.  This photo shows us all in our Olympic clothes.  It was lots of fun working with kids from all over the school.   Everyone helped to look after each other and the teachers said they were so proud of the way we had fun with people we didn't even know to start with!

There were so many fun activities - balloon balancing, paper aeroplane races, jump jam, parachute games.  Maybe they'll put some of these games in the real Olympics!!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Friday Fun!

Creative Kids in Room 6! on PhotoPeach