Raumati Beach School raised $866 in support of the Cancer Society's Daffodil Day. We all came dressed in our spring finery and bought daffodils and tattoos from the stall on the front court.
Rooms 6 and 8 also had a visit from Zena, the Daffodil Dog. She belongs to Janie who works for the Cancer Society. Zena was joined by her friend, Nina, who was dressed like a daffodil!
Here are the recounts that room 6 wrote about Zena's visit...
We have been learning that a recount is a story that tells you about something that has happened.
We're pretty proud of our writing!
Zena the dog came to school and she wore a wig. She is the daffodil dog and on Daffodil Day
we dressed up and raised money. Josh
Zena the dog came to school.
She did some tricks. She jumped
over tables. She wagged her tail. She
had a rock star wig. She came to school
to say thank you for Daffodil Day. Lucy
Zena the dog came to school on Wednesday. It was at the library. She is the Daffodil Dog. It was today. Zoe
On Wednesday, Zena the dog came to school. Zena is a Daffodil Dog and we met her in the library and we all got to pat her. Daniel S
On Wednesday, Zena came to school. She jumped over the table and she wagged her
tail. Zena is a Daffodil Dog. McKaela
Zena the dog jumped over the table and she came to school
because we raised money for Daffodil Day. Parley
Zena the dog came to school because we raised money for the
Cancer Society. Charlie
In the library Zena came to school. It was in the library on Wednesday. She did some tricks. She came to school because we raised money. Alice
On Wednesday in the library, we had visitors. Their names were Zena, Nina and Dean. Zena is a dog who is the Daffodil Day
Dog. She was thanking us for raising
money for the Cancer Society. She did a
show for us. It was with room 8. Ella
On Wednesday, the dog came and visited and she danced and
jumped over tables. We went to the
library. She came to school because she
is the Daffodil Dog Daniel L
We went to the library and there was a dog. It was Zena.
She is the Daffodil Dog. Jaden